Friday, April 6, 2012

Sarah's Living Room: Before

As Julie mentioned, our apartment-hunting weekend in Brooklyn was an adventure.   After viewing what felt like our thousandth overpriced, underwhelming apartment, we had started to lose our minds and were ready to start compromising on just about EVERYTHING. (Full disclosure: we actually put in an application for an apartment after the previous renters told us that they had had roaches.  I’m glad to report that we left the rental office, came to our senses, and retracted the application immediately.)

It was in this state that we came across a mess of an apartment that I knew would be our dream home.  The apartment was in the process of being renovated, but even full of dust, garbage, old appliances, and tools, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

This is what I get for trying to take a picture without asking Julie to move out of the way. Also, please note Devin in the background trying to ignore us.

The high ceilings, crown (and other) moldings, and huge windows stole my heart, as did the original wood floors that I could see peeking through.  I didn’t need to see the rest of the apartment to know that this was the one for us!

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