Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Julie's Dining Room: DIY Circle Art

I've been on the hunt for art for my dining room ever since we moved in.  Even though Sarah is the gifted artist of the family, when I stumbled across this image, I knew that abstract circle art was something I could recreate for the space.

Home of Meredith Heron via Marcus Design Blog
I picked up some black acrylic paint and some cheap frames and got to work.  Here's what I came up with:

The painting process was super easy-- because there wasn't really a process.  I just tried to make the circles irregular and uneven...I didn't want anything too perfect.  Because I didn't want the two prints to be identical, I repeated the process but made much smaller circles for the second print.  The frames are from Target-- I spray painted them with Rustoleum's Metallic Finish (which does not look nearly as yellow as it does in iPhone pictures).

Even though we are looking forward to growing our "real" art collection, I'm happy with how they turned out and with how little I had to spend on them!

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