Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wait, nevermind.

Did we say we were over Craigslist? Well...we lied.  Furnishly was like the mysterious new guy in your English class who momentarily distracts you from your boyfriend.  Until you realize that your boyfriend is the best.

Okay I don't know where I was going with that, but the point is I (Julie) just picked up this amazing sofa off Craigslist for a STEAL.  We're talking a $4000 sofa for less than $1000 kind of steal.  Forreal.

I don't know if it was the batting of my eyelashes or that I schlepped to their house in a monsoon to see it or the crazy ass Jedi mind trick I played on them, but this beauty will be in my living room come Saturday.  Did I mention that it is crazy comfortable, in perfect condition, and deep enough for my very large husband? This might be the most epic. Craigslist. find. ever.

For those wondering, the sofa is the Presidio Sofa from Williams-Sonoma with their luxe velvet upholstery in Espresso.  Once we get it into our apartment (there is a UHaul involved in this operation...yikes) I'll post some non-Craigslist pictures.

In the meantime, we'll leave you with a little espresso velvet eye candy:

all images via DecorPad
 Roses are red. Violets are blue. Craigslist, we still REALLY love you.

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