Monday, January 7, 2013

Julie's Kitchen: Art in the Kitchen

Since we spent a lot of time in the kitchen over the holidays (eating, not cooking), we've been thinking more about design elements that make kitchens really special. One thing that sticks out to us in all of our favorite kitchens is art:

Because we're renters and can't update our kitchens in the ways we'd like to, art is something that both of us have used to infuse a little bit of design into pretty basic apartment kitchens.  We picked up this piece, which is in Julie's kitchen, at a thrift store in Chicago.  We love the scale of it, and that the black and white of the cow balances out the warmth of Julie's cabinets.

It reminds us a little bit of one of our favorite prints from Jayson Home, which we think would look great in any kitchen:

We love that art can tone down the sterility of a kitchen and that it can also really balance out the color temperature of a room.  If you've got a stark, white kitchen, we'd suggest bringing in art with warmer tones, like in this piece:

And if you have a warm-toned kitchen, we'd steer towards something a little cooler, like this:
Regardless of what you choose, we think bringing art into unexpected rooms, like the kitchen, is yet another way to bring a little more of yourself into your home.  Happy Monday!

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