Monday, May 6, 2013

Framed Vintage Scarves

New artwork obsession: framed vintage scarves.  How have we not seen these before?  Thankfully, Beth Connolly of Chinoiserie Chic recently featured them on her blog and Pinterest and brought us up to speed on their amazingness.
Framed Hermes scarves have turned out to be some of our favorites.  A sample:

If you have a large amount of extra money lying around, you can buy a beautiful, framed designer scarf from this place in the UK or from a number of sellers on Etsy (hello crazy Gucci tiger).
But we don't think that you need to have a lot of money or a large collection of designer scarves to pull off this look.  Vera scarves look great framed and can be had for a steal on Etsy (some originals, some reproductions).  A few that we'd scoop:

$17.95.  Find it here.

$26.  Find it here.

$20. Find it here.

$52. Find it here.

$23. Find it here.

Of course, you could also try Grandma's closet.  Our grandma ALWAYS wears scarves and they are all beautiful.  Wonder if she'd let us steal one.

Once we found a scarf we love, we'd take a chance on Frames by Mail, which gets good reviews. For a simple, black, 22"x22" frame with regular plexiglass, you'd pay less than $40.  

What do you think of the look of framed scarves?  Where would you hang one in your home?


  1. Scarf obsession taken to a new level. Love it!

  2. Great post and thanks for the mention. I am about to frame two scarves I picked up and am excited to see how they turn out.


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