Thursday, April 4, 2013

Julie's Apartment: Portraits

We've always loved the look of portraits when used in gallery walls-- there's something really personal and intriguing about them.  Julie has been on the hunt for some vintage portraits for her apartment for a while now (because she's an art hoarder).

Here are a few pictures Julie pulled for inspiration:

We've been scouring our local thrift stores and flea markets (which are typically gold mines when it comes to finding vintage portraits) but we haven't found any that are right for her space.  The last time we were at our mom's house, however, we hit the jackpot.  We found an old sketchbook of Sarah's from high school, and found this portrait of Julie from her 9th birthday:

We actually love that it's a sketch and isn't quite finished (notice the halfway shaded collar?) Plus, we think art that has meaning makes a space that much more special.  Now Julie has to find a place in her apartment to hang it.  We've got some plans for her nook (that we posted about here) so we're thinking it might end up there.

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